Tuesday, January 27, 2009

There and almost back

Well hello,
As I sit down to write this, I contemplate what I should write. Last time I talked to you was back in December, around Christmas. And now, its nearing the end of January. I almost hesitate in telling you everything that has happened in fear that I might miss the best parts. So much has happened and so many memories created. I don't know where to start. Well, my mom always taught me to start at the beginning, and I think that might be safe to do so. So, without further adu...
As I finished up teaching this last semester I thought alot. I thought about my mission here in Russia, and the great opportunity that I have here. As my two room mates left for the holidays, I was left alone. I had a very simple Christmas, and hung out with friends. For New Years, I took a 10 hour train ride east to the city of Vologda. I stayed there with some friends and their families for 1 week. That was great. I was able to truly experience the home of a Russian at New Years (their big holiday). I have never eaten so much in my life! They treated me so well! Champagne for breakfast, feasts for lunch, and even bigger meals for dinner. I can honestly say that I went out of 2008 with a bang. Vologda is a beautiful city, very small and homey.
I then took the long train back to St. Pete where I repacked, and did laundry. I left later that night on a taxi. This taxi took me over the boarder into Finland. We drove through Helsinki, and Tamperay. It took about 9 hours. Its cold in Finland! Burrrrr. I then jumped on an airplane in Tamperay and flew to Dublin, Ireland. I stayed there one night and flew out again. That one day in Dublin was great! It was a beautiful city! I then flew from there to Budapest, Hungary. My ultimate destination was here, as I would be substituting for another teacher. I would be teaching High school English for 2 weeks. However, my friends there, failed to read my email, on when to pick me up.... hahahahah. Traveling for those few days and this is what I came to. I was hungry, tired, and lost. Around 10pm I set out from the airport looking for food, shelter, and communication. I was so lost. After about 6 hours of walking and many hotels, i finally found one. And to make a long story short, I was teaching 2 days later. I taught 9Th - 13Th graders. It was very different than what I was used to. However, a very enriching experience. I hung out with some students and thoroughly walked the Budapest countryside, and city. Budapest is a beautiful city, and I was fortunate enough to see most every big site. Being in Europe with a once in a life time experience, I couldn't resist a 2 hour train ride to Bratislava, Slovakia. I stayed there for the weekend, and for one day took an additional train to Vienna, Austria. Vienna was the most beautiful city I have ever been in. Around every corner there was always something beautiful. I highly recommend visiting. Overall my 2 week experience was fantastic. After that I flew out of Budapest and back to Dublin. I have spent 5 days here in Dublin. And that is where I am now writing this. Its a gorgeous city. Its like a miniature St. Pete. I just stayed in a hostel, and walked the city everyday. On Sunday, I had a great day! I woke up about 6am, and walked about 7 hours south along the coast to various Irish cities and sites. Then I walked back. hahaha. It was great! Yesterday I received a grand tour of the Anglican Church of Ireland from a high bishop. I was ecstatic. These 5 days in Dublin have tested all 5 of my senses as I try to survive walking the city. Never have I felt so stupid crossing a street and almost getting run over ten thousand times. This country is backwards in the side of the car that they sit, and the side of the road that they drive. Its just ridiculous! Anyway, it has been a great experience also. I leave tomorrow for Riga, Latvia, where I need to find a bus back to St. Pete. I start teaching again the 16Th of Feb. I am sorry for going over everything so fast. I have had many life changing experiences and crazy stories in these last few weeks. I would be happy to tell you all of them some time. Maybe around a bon fire some day. haha. I hope all is going well with the rest of the world. I have said about 10% of what I wanted to say. I love and miss you all!
