Tuesday, September 2, 2008


hey check these out!


love ya



janice said...

for some reason you can't just click on the site you listed. You have to copy and paste.

These are awesome pictures!! What a beautiful country and lots of color!

Laura Stammberger said...

Hi Pete!

Sounds like you've had a bunch of real adventures already!

It's warmer here now than in St. P., but I can guarantee that it will be colder in the winter!

Guy, do you need any recipes or anything? I've been eating a lot of grilled cheese and tomatoes, myself. I also made eggplant parmesan- without the parmesan and without oregano- yesterday. It was a lot of chopping, but the result was worth it.

We start teaching on the 8th.

Andrea Deaver said...

absolutely loved the pictures! I'm so jealous. You'll have to check out my pictures of our LA Trip - nothing like russia but rewarding nonetheless