Friday, February 13, 2009

Adventures overseas

Well, it has been a while.
I don't have much time as I need to make this short. I sometimes feel like in writing these, I am stuffing a pillow into a sandwhich baggie. Yes, I finally got home. I had to sleep with some homeless people for a night in Latvia (YES), but I safely took the bus back the next day. I just finished my first week of teaching. It has been great. Lots of the same students and a few new classes. Again, I teach english to business, engineering, and linguistic (new) students. I am getting back into the mode of teaching, and enjoying it. 
I knew I was back in Russia, when my faucet, for some unknown reason, had an electrical current running through it. hahaha. It hurt pretty bad. hahaha. I knew it was still cold here, when the police stopped me because I didn't have a coat on, and that I didn't belong. I am now heading the friday night event of "sports night." We get a lot of students together, and we play basketball, floor hockey, and vollyball. I will be starting english club again soon, as I will look for where it best fits into my scheduale. The Bible study will also begin again soon. Its all a good chance to get to know the students, and provide a good outreach. I would ask that you might consider helping me financially. As the Ruble is plumting. I am still over $3,000 dollars short, and I have commited to coming back a second year. I pray that you pray about this, as it can be harder and harder to survive here. I miss you all. Thank you for all your prayers.


1 comment:

janice said...

So good to hear of your adventures of electric currents in the water, sleeping with the homeless, getting stopped by the makes a mother's heart feel at peace?!?!?!
love you Pete....hurry home