Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Another week

hey ya'll!
Its going great. Teaching lots. I am constantly developing new lesson plans and new ideas for the students. They can be rowdy sometimes.

I am getting to know the students really well. Hanging out with a group almost every weekend now.

I went and saw Povlovska Palace on Saturday! That was really cool.
I don't know what I am going to see this weekend.

We had 21 people show up for english club last thursday. And 10 people for the bible study on friday. We have english club again this thursday, but sports-night this friday.

The city is really starting to grow on me, and the culture that surrounds it. I love it.
Please, I don't really know what you want to know.....just ask.

I am still thousands short. Please do what you can and where the lord leads.

Miss you all!



Sweetie Pie said...

Hey Pete! I'm glad to hear that your adjustment has gone so well. It sounds like things are great--we'll keep lifting you up and hoping they stay that way! :)

janice said...

How is your Russian language coming along??? Must be difficult to not be able to to communicate easily?! Your brain must be in overload all the time? Do you sightsee with your students or your roommates? Are your roommates teaching just like you?
By the note you posted from your students, they are adoring you. You are such a smoosier! ha
Ok, so don't forget to answer my questions, yes?
Take care. love you.