Monday, October 6, 2008

Another week at the office

Well, lets see...
Russia never seems to disappoint. Whether its the random drunks excited about Zenit, or the weird looks, Russia can always be unexpected. I made chocolate chip cookies for some of my students...first homemade chocolate chip cookies they had ever had...and with milk! Yes, it was fantastic. Furthermore, I also made them their first homemade hamburger. "Its so much bigger than McDonalds, are you sure you made it right?"....hahahaha....yes, this is a "true" hamburger. English Club was as interesting as usual, with about 16 people showing up. We all know that Russians can brave the cold like no one else, but when their winter coats come flying on in 40-50 F degree weather - sun shining - give me a break! They all seem to dress for 30 F degrees colder than it really is...jeeeez. I brought some of my students to a Mexican restaurant, for the first time...that was really fun! I might be starting some official Russian language lessons this week! Yepeee. We taught the students how to play baseball! They love it! Well, until next time...


1 comment:

janice said...

Send some pics of your class of students and your classroom. It was absolutely, fantastic, awesome, and so wonderful talking with you AND seeing your smiling face.........thank you.
Your Mama