Monday, October 20, 2008


kok dyela? 
Life is good here in Russia. I am making lots of friends, and enjoying the beautiful culture of St. Pete. I seem to be getting more and more busy. I don't think I could survive without the students! They have been such an encouragment and blessing. I find it fascinating that Russians are afraid to get dirty. Granted, its a very dirty city, with millions of people touching that same spot, but come on, give me a break. A Russians knee will never touch the ground. To touch the ground with your hand is a sin. And they seem to think that they will melt in the rain. I have begun to give up trying to fit in, and am now just enjoying being myself. I love looking up at the beautiful buildings and architecture. I love getting on my hands and knees and admiring the beautiful artwork that is hundreds of years old. I love looking at the small details of life, that makes St. Pete...St. Pete. Constantly I seem to be a critic of the interesting and ever growing population of concrete buildings. I am spreading the love of hamburgers with more of my students. At English Club I made them all chocolate chip cookies. Nyum Nyum. I have Russian lessons twice a week - mondays and wednesdays. Yepeeee. I am learning lots! :) On my free time I like to take pictures, experiment in the kitchen baking, walk around, poetry, sleep, and hang out with students. It was a rude awaking here when I found out that the people here at McDonalds make more money than I do! Hahaha. Yes, I am not doing this for the money, I do it for the students. I am still trying to raise support! Maybe next week I'll put up pictures of students and my classroom. Tell me what you want pictures of! Many times I wish I had a video camera...if only you could see! Well, I am in an exceptionally great mood today. I wouldn't want to ruin it staying on the computer to long. So talk you later! Pokkaa!



Санёк said...

May you always have such a great mood!

janice said...

It is so wonderful hear about your adventures and how God is touching your life every day. Even on your bad days, never forget that God is there too, still working in your life. "Be still and know that I am God"...........
I love you,