Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Weekly Ramble - yada yada yada

Well, Life is good.
The weather this week was really really warm, and seemed to cheer everyone up! I try to smile at everyone I can, with mixed results. Drunks on the midnight train can be exceptionally friendly, while random fights breakout on escalators. Simple chocolate in a nice package can be interesting, when your students then tell you that you bought them spiked candy. I have learned that lesson planning is 10% for the 90% of the class, and 90% for 10% of the class. Its amazing what you will eat when you are hungry, including 3 servings of peas. English Club is going great, with a variety of people interested. Sports night is awesome, however, students seem to be complaining about bruises the next day. Hanging out with students for hours on end, always makes me feel at home. I receive about a letter a week from my mommy, which always puts a smile on my face. The heat has turned on in the flat, and windows have flown open. Things I miss the most include Oreos, Mexican food, and my moms cooking. Oh, and macaroni and cheese. I am really starting to hate cigarette smoke, while almost 50% of my students smoke. My shower has a sense of humor as it likes to go from lukewarm to scalding hot within a tenth of a second, and then ice cold. I Feel naked and helpless outside, if somehow I forgot my "papers." To eat chocolate is like a little piece of heaven. I bought some raspberry jelly in anticipation of its counterpart. My English is slowly deteriorating as I always speak slow and simple to my students. I miss you all, as you all have a special place in my heart. With all my love, hugs and kisses.



janice said...


Erin said...

have you been working on your russian?! how is that coming along?! miss you!

Rachel said...

peanut butter is definitely a gift from our Abba. :)
mail is great - lovely that you are getting it so often! can I send you some?? *grin*
students rock
my english REALLY stinks because I speak so much Russian :-P
miss you
email me.

that's all i got for ya