Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The week hummmm

I have gotten to the point where, on saturday morning...you really don't care anymore. Everyday seems like an ordeal to "prepare" to go outside. I feel like I am suiting up for a space walk. Umbrella - check. Papers - check. Emergency sweater - check. Phone - check. Keys - check. Metro pass - check. If I miss anyone one of these...life can get uncomfortable. Saturday morning I had no food. I didn't want to "suit up". So I went as I was...sweat pants, sandals, wife-beater, and some cash. It was only about 44 degrees out, and it was fun. It was relieving to just go as you are. However, the homeless man did acknowledge that I was "homeless" or in a worst situation than him, and didn't beg. hahaha, you should've been there. Hanging out with students in a pub on Saturday, and the Hermatage on Sunday, keeps my spirits up. For English Club, I introduced to them the wonderful world of Sienfeld. Sports night was fricken cool, as we played lots of Baseball. There are so many interesting things here, that I have started to write lots of poetry about it. I have been kinda sad lately as I have really been missing my family. I miss hugs, close friends, and good talks. Many of you said you sent packages...thank you so much, I will write you when I get them. For sad days like this, I think I might make some chocolate chip cookies. Nyum Nyum. 

Financial Update

Thanks for your generous support, in prayer and/or financial donations.  I do still need about $4278 in total support, and TeachOverseas has offered me a matching scholarship.  They will match any donation dollar for dollar up to $500 for all donations that I receive by December 15th.  Please prayerfully consider giving to me and the ministry to my Russian students.    You can give securely online at http://www.teachoverseas.org/contribute.php or you can send your donation to TeachOverseas.org, 444 E. Huntington Dr. Ste. 200, Arcadia, CA 91006.  My account number is 208097.

Please keep me in your prayers...I need everyone of them. :)



janice said...

Hey, sweetie. I am getting a web cam so we can talk FACE/FACE!! I so enjoyed seeing your beautiful warm smiling face. I miss you too so much. I hope you get my box soon!! There are lots of goodies! Call me Sat. morning, well it would be your Sat. eve. love you Petie,

Санёк said...

Mr.Hussman.I think you shouldn't be so disappointed.Like in song the life is what it is.You know...every morning when i leave home i come back to check if i locked the door or not.so nevermind ^^.Hope I can see some of your poetry)

Rachel said...

Life gets better!
Let me know how I can better be lifting you up my friend.

And I'll leave you with my grandmother's favorite movie quote that is quickly becoming my own after all this time overseas.
"It all works out.
HOW does it?!?!
I don't know... It's a mystery."
but somehow... it does. It's great! blessings on your day.