Thursday, November 20, 2008

You know you have been in Russia long when... don't think things are that bad right now. have to think twice about throwing away an empty instant coffee jar. carry a plastic shopping bag with you 'just in case'. say he/she is 'on the meeting' (instead of 'at the' or 'in a' meeting). answer the phone by saying 'allo, allo, allo' before giving the caller a chance to respond. save table scraps for the cats living in the courtyard.
…when crossing the street, you sprint.
…in winter, you choose your route by determining which icicles are least likely to impale you in the head. are impressed with the new model Lada or Volga car. let the telephone ring at least 4 times before you pick it up because it is probably a misconnection or electrical fault. hear the radio say it is zero degrees outside and you think it is a nice day for a change. argue with a taxi driver about a fare of 30 rubles ($2) to go 2 kilometres in a blizzard. win a shoving match with an old babushka for a place in line and you are proud of it. are pleasantly surprised when there is toilet paper in the WC at work. look at people's shoes to determine where they are from. are pleasantly surprised when there is real wine in the bottle of Georgian Kinzamaruli you bought in a kiosk. notice that his/her cell phone is smaller than yours and you're jealous.
...your day seems brighter after seeing that goon's Mercedes broadsides by a pensioner's Moskvich. are thrown off guard when the doorman at the nightclub is happy to see you.'re not sure what to do when the GAI (traffic cop) only asks you to pay the official fine. wonder what the tax inspector really wants when she says everything is in order. give a 10% tip only if the waiter has been really exceptional. plan your vacation around those times of the year when the hot water is turned off. are relieved when the guy standing next to you on the bus actually uses a handkerchief. are envious because your expatriate friend has smaller door keys than you do. ask for no ice in your drink. go mushroom and berry picking out of necessity instead of recreation. develop a liking for beetroot. know what Dostoyevsky's favourite colour was. change into tapki (slippers) and wash your hands as soon as you walk into ...your apartment. take a trip to Budapest and think you've been to heaven. start thinking of black bread as a good chaser for vodka. drink the brine from empty pickle jars. can read barcodes, and you start shopping for products by their country of production.  
...your coffee cups habitually smell of vodka. know more than 60 Olgas. wear a wool hat in the sauna. put the empty bottle of wine on the floor in a restaurant. are rude to people at the airport for no reason. have to check your passport for an arrival-in-Russia date.
Remont (repair), pivo (beer) and nalivai (pour!) become integral parts of your vocabulary. are curious as to when they might start exporting Baltika beer to your home country.
Cigarette smoke becomes 'tolerable'. think metal doors are a necessity. changed apartments 6 times in 6 months. no longer feel like going to your 'home' country. speak to other expats in your native language, but forget a few of the simplest words and throw in some Russian ones. remember how many kilos you weigh - but forget how many pounds.
A gallon of gasoline or milk seems like a foreign concept. no longer miss the foods you grew up with, and pass them up at foreign-owned supermarkets. actually enjoy shopping at the rynok (market), and you think that Ramstore is the most advanced supermarket you've ever been to. try to pay a traffic fine on the spot and get arrested for attempted bribery. look for kvas and kefir in the supermarket, and ask to buy half a head of cabbage. see a car behind you with flashing lights and think it's some politician. don't feel guilty about not paying on the trolleybus. can sleep through a hangover without curtains on your windows.
The elevator aroma seems reassuring somehow. no longer think washing clothes in the bathtub is an inconvenience. can heat water on the stove and shower with it in less than 10 minutes. do not take off that silly sticker on the sunglasses that you just bought.
...your sister writes to you about the best prime rib she's ever had and you can't remember what it looks or tastes like.
The sellers at the rynok start calling you by your patronymic only. have had your clothes ruined by all the so-called Western style dry cleaners and have to start the cycle over again. bring your own scale and calculator to the market to make sure the amount you are charged is correct. know the St. Peter Metro better than you know the subway system back home.
A weekend anywhere in the Baltics qualifies as a trip to the West. start buying Russian toilet paper. sit in silence with your eyes shut for a few moments before leaving on any long journey. look in the mirror to turn away bad luck if you have to return home to pick up something you've forgotten. catch yourself whistling indoors and feel guilty. never smile in public when you're alone. know the official at the metro station/airport/border post/post office/railway station etc. etc. is going to say nyet, but you argue anyway. save tea bags of Yorkshire Tea brought over especially from home to use for a second cup later... go back to England and notice how frosty, unemotional, unsentimental and cold the Brits are and long to return to the warm rush of the Russian dusha (soul).
…When that strange pungent mix of odours of stale sawdust, sweat and grime in the metro makes you feel safe and at home... are in awe that after 3 days home your shoes are still clean. get wildly offended when you are asked to pay at the coatcheck. are afraid of offending someone by asking him or her what they do for a living.
…(For women) When you dress up in your best outfits for work and ride the metro.
When the word 'salad' ceases for you to have anything to do with lettuce.
When mayonnaise becomes your dressing of choice. can recite in Russian all the words to all of tampon and chewing gum commercials.
…When you begin paying attention to peoples' floors and can distinguish the quality of linoleum and/or parquet, and thus determine social status, taste, and income e.g. embezzled, earned, pension, unpaid, etc.) get excited when the dentist smiles and has all his own teeth. can spark a debate by asking for a decent Mexican restaurant. do all your shopping at kiosks. voluntarily take a stroll in the park, Baltika beer in hand, on a sub-zero day. pretend not to speak Russian when you walk in to a restaurant and ask to use their loo without buying anything. are no longer surprised when your taxi driver tells you that before Perestroika he worked as a rocket scientist. laugh at Russian jokes. actually get these jokes. actually spend time writing these jokes! feel queasy when someone tries to shake ...your hand over a threshold. continue to 'cross' the number 7 back at home. think it's too hot, no matter what season return home. specify 'no gas' when asking for mineral water. are dumbstruck back at home when high school or college students wait on with a smile, reciting a 90 second spiel on the 'specials of the day' and display complete knowledge of the contents of each menu item... realize that all the above is what you love about Russia, that you've been here long enough to feel at home, and wonder whether you'll ever able to fit back in the old country...


Mary said...

All the very reasons I love Kazakhstan so much!!

Санёк said...

This is not kazhastan,THIS IS RUSSIA!

Erin said...

you need to update!!!

Rachel said...

It may not have been written about Kaz in particular, but most of it still applies. And yes, it is what we find so dear about this part of the world. Can you imagine weird old America?