Monday, November 10, 2008

Hooray for mail!

Hey ya'll!

I am doing great over here! I just got a package in the mail from my mommy. She sent it the 19th of september, takes a long time! haha There was peanut butter in it! yepeeee! It was like Christmas day! I am still teaching as usual. I bought plane tickets to go teach in Budapest for 2 weeks in January. I can't wait! My plane flight over there, makes lots of I will be visiting Ireland, Finland, Hungary, and Latvia! The temperature is slowly dropping. It was 30 F the other day. Not too cold! It always rains here....yes...always. If anyone of you wants to talk to me....I have skype! My name is "spudnut180"
Drop me a line.....I have a 12 hour difference. Thanksgiving is fast aproaching, I we will go to Tallin, Estonia to celebrate. Later I will post some pictures! Love and miss you all!

Peter Samuelovich Robert Husmann

1 comment:

janice said...

Yeh. I am so glad those Russians didn't steal your peanut butter and oreos!!!! Love you, Mommy