Sunday, November 16, 2008

wazzzzzzzzzzz up!


I am as grand as usual! Peaunut butter in my tummy, awesome friends, and to infinity and beyond! The crowds in the metro station are getting crazy! Imagine 200 people trying to get through 2 small doors like Godzilla was coming or something. There are no manners, its every man for himself. People scratch, shove, and push just get an inch closer. The crowd became so crazy, that I almost lost my backpack, as it being ripped out of my hands by a crossing pressure line of people! I had a hard time breathing as the people squeezed tighter and tighter! I just started laughing as my feet lifted off the ground, and I was carried toward the door, without my feet on the ground! It was soooo funny. Anyway, as my school semester wraps up, I am going miss alot of my students. 

Funny quotes from students:
"I feel myself pleasurable"
"There aren't any bears in Russia"
"I was ill"
"Drink vodka, it will solve your illness"
"McDonalds - the only true hamburgers"
"America doesn't have a draft? Wow"
"You can ALWAYS just pay"
"I live at the club"
"What's peanut butter?"
"What are Oreos?"

My roomies

Joel - Joel is the typical Californian in every way, shape, and form. He is one of the laziest people I know. He doesn't cook, anything. Yes, that is a fact. He is a history major, and a very good one indeed. He is very non-confrontational, to the point of insanity. He is trying to grow a mullet, and finds the creepy mustache very fashionable. He enjoys making the house as hot as possible, as he has never seen more than an inch of snow. I wonder how he will survive the winter. He studies Russian everyday, and is very good at it. I wish I was that good. He loves teaching all kinds of history, but hates little kids. I am a "why not?" person, he is a "why?" person. He is a good friend, and a good roomie. 

Jeff - I will save for next time. :)

Good bye, I don't feel like writing anymore.

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