Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Almost April

Hey! Life is good! The sun is shining and the weather is trying to get warmer. I look outside, and its blue sky and sun. I walk outside, and its windy, dusty, and freezing. haha. I still try to walk around alot with friends. We just like to walk and talk. Its a good time to reflect on life and the week. As I walk down the streets, I have witnessed many things. I once saw 4 car crashes within 5 minutes! I saw a lady get hit by a car at 40 mph. I have seen girls stop cars with just a wink! haha. Its interesting where you can always just get a ride from anybody. The Russian soul is showing itself more and more to me. I love it! I sometimes get frusterated in stores at the lack of efficiency on how things are done. Talking with my room mate we concluded that Russians are so commpasionate with the mentality of not communisim, but communalism, that efficiency and other western traits are non-exsistant. Very interesting. I have recently had interesting conversations with security guards. They are scary on the surface, but a big teddy bear inside. I have had a great time making some home made pizzas with some friends. Yummy! We can make a great pizza! In our Bible study, we just finished Corinthians and it always gives us, the teachers, a chance to reflect on the week, and pray. Its becoming harder and harder to live, as the Ruble is plumeting. Some food is twice as expensive. And my wages don't go as far. I am on my last pennies this month. I never really liked the idea of rationing food. If I want to eat dinner, I should be able to eat. I'm hungry. But thats ok! The joy of the Lord is all I need! :) I recently read an interesting article in the paper here. Here is a quote from it - "President Barak Obama will order martial law this year, the U.S. will split into six rump-states before 2011, and Russia and China will become the backbones of a new world order...there is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010...and Alaska will revert to Russian control" AHAHAHAHAHAHA. This was said by Igor Panarin. Many Russians believe this! If only they knew how unified we still are in this crisis! Crisis. I hate that word. If we stopped saying that word, maybe the crisis would stop! hahaha. Well, I miss you all! I hope you are all doing well back home! I'm praying for you! God Bless!


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