Monday, March 30, 2009

MARCH 30th

Yes, its still almost March. March 30th to be exact. I am looking forward to my trip home. I am making a mental list of everything I want to bring next year! I am also in the process of finalizing plans for the summer. I look forward to going back to Russia in August. I am realizing that I am fortunate enough to have a job to come home to as more and more people are complaining about the "crisis". I will be working as a rafting guide again. I love this job. Its good money, and very enjoyable. I have recently found a great donut place. I am addicted. These are the kind of donuts where you can eat 10 of them, and its barely touched $3 in your wallet. Truly yummy. Church on Sunday was great, we are studying Ephesians. I have recently been noticing that my clothes are approaching their last days. Holes and more holes. My theory of indefinitly wearing the same clothes as a path to a perfect wardrobe and never needing to buy clothes again is in danger. My shoes are dying, and my socks fading away. Either the clothes dryer is hungry for my clothes or I sleep in dirt, it never ceases to amaze me on the amount of lint that it produces. It takes about two hours to dry the clothes. They produce an overwhelming amount of lint. A HUGE handful. I am begining to wonder how my clothes still exist! Its ridiculus! With spring in the air, so is the rain. I bring an umbrella with me everywhere I go. Except yesterday. The one day that it rains heavily since the past three months - I don't bring my umbrella. I was soaked! Grrrrrr. I have been sleeping really bad lately as my physical activity is slowly declining. Its still cold outside. We just pushed our clocks forward, and the little extra sunlight is nice (when we actually can see the sun). Naps are the most wonderful thing in the day... as they began to creep back into my daily routines. I miss all of you! Very much. It would be much appreciated if you could email me, and update me on your life. I am feeling kinda left out with the rest of the world. Life is good, please keep in touch! I am going to go cook some meat tonight, with some cheese and rice! Yummy! I'm starving! God bless.


1 comment:

Rachel said...

ah yes, the Russian dusha. I am so excited that you will be going back next year. Lifting you up, Pyetka.