Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The best day of my life!

Hey y'all!
I am having a great day! I am doing fantastic! haha. Life is good here in Russia. Recently I gave a journal assignment about describing your best day. They asked me mine...I told them that today is my best day. WHY? Because every new day is new! God has blessed me with a beautiful day; a chance to live yet another day. Its cold and rainy outside, yet the flowers need the rain to bloom. I had a great sleep last night, and I look forward to a productive day! And guess what? Tomorrow will be even better! Every new day for me is the best day of my life. I think it should be yours also! Jeff, my roommate, heads a Bible study every other week. And the other weeks, I head a sports night. Recently we have had some trouble supporting sports night, as the church that was supporting us, pulled the funds. We have a chance to build relationships with the students, as we play floor hockey, basketball, and vollyball. After sports night, we usually try to get the students to come back to the flat, to drink tea, play games, and talk. I am making some close friendships with some of my students, as we have constantly hang out - walking, bowling, eating/drinking, movies, shopping, cooking, homework help, and exploring. They all give me a great chance to get to know them better and have the most interesting conversations. Without them, I would go crazy. I have had the chance to recently meet a Brit, the recent boyfriend of one of my friends. I had some great conversations with him! Interesting fellows those Brits are - yes indeed! :) I have started to make it a habit to try to talk to a fellow metro rider everyday. Yes, its dangerous business, but it yields some interesting results. I have had interesting converstations with authors, journalists, teachers, New Zealanders, police, homeless people, and mothers. As I walk to and fro through these monotonous crowds, I try to inject a bit of emotion. Whether it is a huge smile, jumping around, sitting on the floor, talking to strangers, singing, imitating the metro driver, and other oddities. The results are mindblowing. hahahaha. It just changes someones day so much, as everyone could almost be confused as half zombie, or traveling to a prison. SMILE PEOPLE - Its the best day of your life remember? Last week I recently got over a horrible horrible flu. I had temperatures ranging from 94-105 F. YIKES! I thought I was dead. But hey, life is good. The first day of spring in Russia is March 1st. According to tradition! However, I still argue with them that it is over March 20. It snowed today, thus I think I won. hahaha. Just a few more days! This coming weekend I am going to a birthday party and to visit some families in another city! It should be a great time! This semester I have many early morning classes, and I am always looking for ways to cheer my students up, and to wake them up in the morning. Whether it is homework/presentations, a quiz, or some physical activity, we always have fun. Yes, some of them hate me now! hahahaha
I have recently been praying about different ministry work that I want to do here in the future. I have plans to visit and help a family that helped me in Latvia, to fund various projects, and build relationships with people that I encounter as I plant seeds of light and curiosity. I have commited to coming back next year with Teach Overseas, and am already looking forward beyond that to other deeper ministry options here in Russia. My heart is here in Russia for the Russian people and culture. I have been SLOWLY studying Russian, and diving into the Russian culture for a better understanding, and in preparation for long term options here. I miss you all. I am in need of all your prayers for funds and guidance. Paka!


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