Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hey. Russia is crazy. I am discovering this more and more. I love it here, but some things are just weird. For example...On the metro. The metro is a curious thing. With every kind of person bumping into every other kind of person, anything and everything can happen. Whether its a random puddle of blood, dancing hippies, or the the drunks that are so happy they scare you, they all provide just the amount of needed entertainment for your short ride from here to there. Today, on my trip home the metro was taking extra long. With long waiting times at each stop, each car fills up like a sardine can. Innocent me - the stupid American that wears a backpack - is hated the entire time, because my big backpack seems to be in the way for each person. Now you must take in this whole situation. When people step onto this metro car, they do so like cattle with a fire behind them. Push, shove, scream, grab, claw, and climb. Anything and everything goes. I sometimes laugh, as people are just crazy. You have plenty of time to get on and off, there is no need to panic about it. When people are on the car, they stand in rows, facing the door that they want to get off at - for the next however many stops. Like cattle. They are funny. No matter how much room you might have, they will push up against you, to get closer to the door that will open in 10 min. 10 min people. 10 min. I just want to say calm down, relax. Back away slowly. Anyway, me and my backpack. Unfortunatly, as the fates would allow, my backpack was pressing up against the big grumpy ugly guy. Him, so prissy in his new suit, thought it was wrong for my backpack to touch him. EVERYONE IS SQUEEZED TOGETHER. I have no where to go. I can not even turn around! He was yelling at me the whole 30 min, and kept pushing me away. What a jerk. Furthermore, we both get off at the same stop. Now remember, when it stops people stampede off that car, as if a grenade was about to explode. WHY RUSH? I have no idea. Do you know where they rush to? They all run about 15 meters to the slow escalator. The escalator is packed - YOU CAN'T MOVE. You must now wait 5 min, to get to the top. What is the rush to get up higher 3 steps above the next person? Why? Anyway, this man was behind me again. I am walking at a brisk pace with a hoard of a crowd. As I am about to step onto the escalator, the man screams at me, takes both of his hands and shoves me onto the excalator. I scream at him, telling him to calm down and shut up - clearing making a fool of the man in front of the other 200 people in view. We calmly glared at each other the rest of the way up the escalator. hahaha.
As Spring is here now, the snow and ice is melting. However, that doesn't mean the ice is gone. Last week as I ran across the road, then jumped a small railing, I slipped. My back foot, as it was coming over, slipped on the ice. I didn't quite reach the full height that I wanted. I have never came down so hard. Me, at full speed, full backpack, straight into mud, and concrete. Yes, I was pissed. Onlookers, shrugged and snickered. hahaha
I went to a small town of Veborg a while back, and forgot some of my papers. Recently have been stopped more and more by the police. I guess I just look like trouble. However, on the other hand, I don't know what it is about my deminour, but almost twice a day I am asked for directions. Ok, there are 50 people standing and walking near me, they come through all of them, and straight to me. Um...why? Do I look like a tour guide? No. Most of the time, I am confused as a homeless person. But these situations everyday, sometimes makes me feel at home. Almost as if they can't tell that I am lost, and have no idea what they are saying. :) I helped a friend move some furniture around his house. hahaha. Silly Russians. When Russians move, they leave most everything in the house that you can't take in a taxi. Thus, the overall moving experience is fundamentally lost. They were amazed at the simple stories I told them about moving one big thing from one side of the city, to another, up the stairs, around the corner, over the banister, and so on. I felt like a master for one day, as I helped them move things around. Teaching is going very well. I have been teaching them how to do speeches. They still don't get it yet. If its the last thing I do, I will beat it into them! My usual diet is buckwheat, chicken, milk, mixed vegi's, and peanut butter. :) I miss the mountains, friends, video games, family, swimming, and free water. Yes, I still hate that I must pay for water anywhere I go to eat. I have so many stories, but I must save some for the ones I tell around the fire back home. I miss and love you all, and you all remain in my prayers. Paka.



~Molly said...

Sounds like you live a fast-paced life. Hey they are called Russians because they "Russ" everywhere!! Well I love you very much and I miss you a ton... Can't wait to see you on June 6th.. xoxox

Erin said...

It sounds like you're having a blast!! I don't know how you can deal with all the people. I cant stand California let alone being sardine packed everywhere to travel! haha.

i miss you! come back so we can go swimming! and running! and hiking! and rafting!

Anonymous said...

well, actually I'm one of Pete's students:)

It's impossible to take offence 'cause we usually say the same things about Americans - there's a huge misunderstanding between two very similar nations. you know what's particularly similar about our two countries? I guess u know that! Both of us think that we're RIGHT, that we are on the right way and we may show the light to others. Russians just hide that:)

anyway, it's really funny to read Pete's blog - I find it very interesting:)just like a big mirror...