Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day 1 - Sat. July 19, 2008

I will be writing on this daily...or as often as God wills. I just arrived in California...and boy oh boy is it hot! Karen Gonzalez, my coordinator, was able to pick me up. I had a great chat with her about how everything worked and about St. Petersburg. I am staying in an old college dorm with one other guy. His name is Ken. Ken is going to China to teach business. Every time I see him I am sleeping, or taking a nap...haha. Saturday night, we had a great worship. I helped set up a barbecue, and we all sat down and got to know each other. There are about 60 people here from all over the country. The different places that we are going, include, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Russia, Slovakia, Vietnam, and Morocco. Their ages range from 20-55...very very diverse! This whole place reminds me of my trip down to Brazil two years ago. The people, the focus, and the atmosphere. The people are all great! Its amazing how mission orriented they are and focused on God. Worship is awesome! I could see myself doing this the rest of my life! Or maybe I am just on my first day high. hehehe. I got my stuff set up and off to bed. Thanks for reading!

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