Friday, July 25, 2008

"a slave of christ by choice"

Today was good. I was able to get up early and run with some friends. I ran for about 37 min. We talked about politics and what should and should not be our agenda over there. We discussed spreading the gospel, and what we could and couldn't do. It was really interesting. I was able to tell my testimony to many of my friends also...that was fun. It was really cool to hear everyone else's story, and how God brought them here. I fell asleep a few times...yet again. Um,...I took a nap this afternoon then ate dinner. We then went and all watched a movie..."all is illuminated". I highly recommend this movie. It really showed Russian from various perspectives. Very moving....WATCH IT. Now I am tired. I will be scavenging for food this weekend! :) Anyone know if there is a local soup kitchen? hehehe. God will provide. For those of you who are wondering...I am at "Wiliam Carey International University" in the dorms. Pretty dang cool...look it up. Thanks for reading. God Bless.


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