Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 22, 2008

Well, I set my alarm for 6:00 am this morning. 6 am rolls around - heck no. I wanted to get up and go jogging and do some push ups and sit ups. Nope...sleep wins. 7 am I go to breakfast. 8 am we have our "discovery group" about team mate conflicts and problem solving in Russia. Then we were told how to make a lesson plan different aspects of that. Lunch. Lunch was so good. We had these burritos and they were yummy. Then we talked more about conflict and different personalities and the keresy temperament sorter...and other stuff like that. Then we had a break. Then at 7 pm we had our teaching session with the Chinese people. I was fortunate enough not to have to teach today, and got to watch some of my other group members try it. There were just not enough people to teach. I think I am signed up for Thursday night. Yepeee. Can't wait! These days are getting harder and harder as I am used to the active lifestyle of White water rafting. Sitting in a classroom for 7 hours plus discussions and eating...is killing me. I am getting so antsy. ahhhhh. I'll be fine, but I need to stay active. On one of our breaks today, I went for a ~3 mile jog, did some push ups and sit ups. Yeah, in the blistering heat....I was dead. I hope to sleep well tonight. I have also discovered that with 7 guys in my group and only a few girls...debates start quick. I like it! We have debated politics, creationism, guns, foreign policy, world power, Revelations, crime, poverty, immigration, salvation, and everything else you could think of! Yep, they have been heated, but all in good taste! Have had some really great conversations, and getting to know my friends really well. I have a book report to do tonight, and some other readings and crap. I am really tired. Thanks for reading! God bless


1 comment:

Erin said...

hey i did a three mile run yesterday too! twins! haha...yeah, you should definitely try to fit in some exercise...im sure that would help a lot!! miss you!