Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Sabbath PART 2

Well, on a more serious note...I bought peanut butter today and the stupid dryer ate one of my socks. The fan sounds like a typewriter at night, and I found myself standing in the middle of my room getting dressed 3:30 am in the morning....evidently sleepwalking. I sleep during class, and talk in my sleep. My knee cap is itchy, and someone stole my roommates ipod. Maybe I'll eat some Oreos, and a smiling goldfish too. hahaha. Couldn't resist. Why so serious? Do you know how I got these scars? hahaha



Anonymous said...

Hey Pete,

I'm glad you have this blog set up! Agh I wish I could come to Calit to visit you. I read your last blog. People always question others. It'll never stop. Who cares...if they have a valid point, great. If not, shake it off. It's awesome to see you going through with this. Take care friend

Erin said...

talking in your sleep?! hmm who does that remind you of?!?!? BAHAHA! xP

janice said...

^]^ Luv u.
