Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day 2 - Sunday July 20, 2008

Woke up early today and helped set up breakfast. They told us it would be a continental breakfast...haha. This "continental" breakfast included breakfast burritos, egg Mcmuffins, and the works. Yummy. We then we played some games getting to know our team members. In my team I have my one future room mate, and two girls - Allen, Rachel, Carolina. Jeff, my other future room mate is still teaching in Russia. After a few class sessions, we had worship and church. And of course those were great! We then had the chance to have a pool party over at a mansion that some guy let us use...yeah....kinda like the calm before the storm. I had a great time over there getting to know lots of people. Came back and I made a few phone calls to some friends and family. I found out that my coverage here is 1-2 bars...but consitent. You are all welcome to call me! I then unpacked all my stuff, and kinda organized it into my room...into drawers and stuff. From here on out our scheduale is packed to the max! We start at 7:00 am every morning and finish at 9:30 pm every night. Yes...practically no breaks. eeeek! I already have homework, and should probably do my devotions. Soooooo.....I leave it at that, and I'll talk to you tomorrow! Thanks for reading.


Hillary said...

I read your blog...and commented! Some of us have really been praying for the perseverance of all of you new teachers as you go through trainig. Hopefully you're experiencing God's grace to get you through.

Erin said...

pete!!! im glad you're having fun...even though you've only been there for like a day and a half. haha xD Keep us updated! call me if you get the chance!!

Sav said...

Go Pete! Its really inspiring to see someone go that far for such a great cause. Keep us updated on cultural differences if you can, they are my favorite! Start a care package list too! I know foods like jello can be scarce.

~Molly said...

I just want to say how proud I am of you!! God is using you in so many ways! Stay focused on Him and He will reward you richly. I love you Pete.

~Your Sis