Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hey there again! I had a great day! Its starting to really get hot here! However, the air conditioned rooms always seem so cold. Brrrrrr. Got up at 7 am - ran to I was late! ha! There were like 5 others there. It seems like the morning crowds are getting smaller and smaller. Our discovery group talked about worse case scenarios and our reactions. We had a discussion in class today about keeping our class in order and how/when to punish. I think I am the strictest of all! :) We also went to a lot of culture stuff...and reactions to culture shock. What we can expect and what we can't. How to deal with a snapped team mate. Stuff like that. Really interesting stuff, and a real eye opener about yourself, and how I can expect myself to react unconsicously. I started developing a lesson plan for tomorrow with Carolina. Her and I got put together for the "tag team" teaching - seperate, but still related lessons. Tonight while we watched others teach I really had an oppurtunity to study the level of English my students are at. It was an eye opener, and now I really have to change up my plans...they are better than I thought. Soooo, tomorrow I'll be teaching a begining class. Should be fun! I'll tell you all about it. Well, I told some friends that I would run with them tomorrow morning at 6:30 for 30 min. I need my sleep. Thanks for reading! G'night.


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