Thursday, July 24, 2008

First day of Teaching - and of discovery!

WOW. What a day. "Not as I will, but You will." - Matthew 11:28-30 I just need to remember that. Everything is in his hands. Ok, about my day... I really really wanted to get up early and run with some friends, but my will power was not great enough. I just kept on sleeping. Grrrrrr. I am committed to doing it tomorrow. We talked more about culture shock. We talked about how to present vocab. We talked about adjusting to the new culture. I fell asleep a few times in class. :) I then spent the afternoon preparing a lesson on "family" and "daily activities". JEEZ. I have taught in the past with students. But when you teach a lesson where your students have little to NO resources to use outside of class, and they speak a different language. When you are trying to explain words to them and they don't even know what you are the simplest terms. Then you start to realize the gravity of the situation. My class is the lowest level. SIMPLE. We just taught them words like "please repeat" or "slow down" or "both" or "entire" or "red" or "apple". I taught about the family tree - aunts, uncles, grandparents..etc. I was successful. However, I wanted to play some hypothetical games with them....they have no imagination nor do they have the ability to pretend. They are great students, but explaining how to play cherades...was impossible. ahhahahahahahaha. I had a great time...but I just need to be able to judge where my students are better...and talk slower...alot slower. Oh, I also showed them pictures of my family, and of my sister and I. They really really enjoyed that! :) The alumni are pressing on us to get more funds raised. God is gracious enough to have me gone this far. I am still needing around $4,000 dollars. If you could keep me in your prayers...that would be awesome! "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:11,13 Ok, well, I am tired, and still have hmwk to do. Keep in touch y'all. God bless.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I haven't missed a day. Thanks for the updates. Your words are very inspiring. God shall provide all your needs. Be strong in the Might of our Lord.

I am very proud, and love you so.