Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hey, I just wanted you all to see where I live, and little bit of the city.
Just paste this link in your toolbar! Or just click...

love ya all.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I am going to take pictures took me long enough to find the batteries! jeez. Um, Monday I had a chance to go jogging and work out a bit. That was fun! Yesterday I went to this other school and helped unpack and move furniture around a good chunk of the day. Then I broke down and decided to do a good amount of shopping for food. I have been trying to get a feeling of what I need for food...nutrition, price, availability. I have made a list of the essentials, and as it solidifies, I will tell you. I have a feeling, I am going to be eating a lot of the same same same same stuff. :) Peanut butter would always be nice! :) This morning I got a cell phone. They pay as you go here...thats nice. I will rarely use that! hahaha. I ate a banana and oatmeal today. I really wanted to get some apples...but if you saw their apples....eek! No way. lol. Um, well I gotta go. Love ya all. miss ya.


Sunday, August 24, 2008


Yesterday, we all had a barbecue and had shishkabobs down on the beach. I played some frisbee with an Ausy, then we all went back to their place and had tea. Good times. To get anywhere we either take the bus or the metro...or just walk I guess. Today was good. I slept in till almost 13:00...ooooh that felt good! Hung out here for a while, and went to 18:00. Church was really cool. It was a Calvary Chapel. The pastor spoke in Russian, and then someone translated. It was really awesome. Neat people and good music. We walked home with a friend, stopped at a coffee place for a while, told stories, and went home. I picked some eggs up at the store and yuuuuuummy, just like home. We start school around the 15th of September. I haven't taken many pictures! I don't know what you all want pictures of? I've never been a big picture taker. Email me, and tell me what you want to see! Or just email me for the sake of it! haha. love ya all.


Friday, August 22, 2008

A relaxing day

I relaxed yesterday and read "the great divorce", the whole thing. I had read it before, but the second time was even better...I highly recommend it. I had an interesting chance to see some stuff right outside my bedroom window! haha. These 5 cops beat this guy (maybe drunk?) to a pulp. Yeah, blood everywhere...maybe broken ribs...ouch! I will be keeping my distance! hehehe Anyway, I got up at 5:30 am and had a nice walk around down town. Everyone else is still sleeping...what am I to do? Ok, well, maybe I'll go jogging. Miss you all. Dosvidanyia!


Adventures in Europe!

Hey readers!
I got to Russia about 2:00 am Friday morning. I was sooooo tired. Anyway...from the begining! I got up about 9 am Tuesday morning and finished packing. I have one bag 47 lbs, and another at 44. I hung out with friends all day until my flight that night. Well, kinda. We had to leave by 3:30 am, so, I didn't go to bed. We get to the airport just fine, and get everything checked in. I am on the flight with Carolina and Rachel...two girls that are also going to Russia. We fly 5 hours from LA to Chicago...then get a new boarding, what felt like 10 miles through the airport, and barely, I mean barely get on the plane...they were closing the doors. Yikes! Then a ten hour flight from Chicago to what was suppose to be Vienna. About half way through the flight, some guy in the back went crazy, and started becoming "unruly". Hhaha. 3 men held him down handcuffed him and locked him in a closet. Sooooo, we had to dispose of this guy. We landed the plane in Amsterdam, and cops swarmed the back of the plane, and dragged him off. It was pretty dang cool. The problem is that we were there for 2 hours....missing our next flight. We refueled and flew to Vienna, 1 hour late. We miss our flight! grrrr. So, we rescheduale the flight, for like 4 hours later. The airport was really nice, and bought us three a lunch. We flew out from Vienna to Munich, and then had a 6 hours layover there. Then from Munich to St. Petersburg. Wow, lots of flying! Jeeez. I never want to see another plane again. The flight from Munich to St. Pete, was really fun. It was full of these three Russian Sailors/fisherman. The other Russians were yelling at them to stop swearing...they were as drunk as could be! hahaha, fun times! Getting in Friday at 2 am...I took a shower and went straight to bed. The flat here is really nice. Its a three bedroom apartment on the 2nd floor. We have 10 ft ceilings, and some carpet. About as nice as my last apartment at University of Idaho. I will be living here with Joel, and Jeff. Two great guys. I just finished walking around down town, and the city is nice. Its very pretty, and dirty. Dust was always getting in my eyes, but LA was filthier. Not bad at all. I will tell you more, as I discover it. :) If you guys have any questions, just email! I would love to hear from you all! Peanut butter is always it doesn't exist here. :) Miss you all!
With all my love,


Friday, August 15, 2008

It is finished!

Today was my last day of training! Yepeee. I leave for Russia, 4 am on the 20th. I will miss you all! This past week has been great. Just wrapping everything up and all. It will be hard to see many of these people most are going to different countries than I. I will miss them all so much. I have made an effort to get to know each one really well...I hope it lasts! The staff is great also! Some of the most encouraging and fun staff I have ever seen! :)
We took our final exam yesterday...I blew right through that! And today/tonight was a talent show...the best day yet. It was a really really fun night. I wish you all could have came. With everything wrapping up, many family and friends are coming to visit (not mine). So, its always fun to see the other halves!....hahaha. I was awarded a conditional scholarship today! Since I am still really short funds...Teach Overseas told me that they will match dollar for dollar what ever I can raise now, up to $500 dollars. Please...I still need help...and this is a good opportunity for your buck to be twice the buck! Thanks so much for your support, and prayers...I really need them!
Many other organizations charge sooo much more ($50,000) for a full year of living, administration, training, plane tickets, and etc. I only need ($5,000).
I have sold most of what I have to pay for this, and trusting God that because he is sending me to be a representative of his word, he will provide. We can be a team in the body of Christ, each with our own part - please send others in your stead.
Also, please, due to lack of electronics, and resources, tell others about my mission and this blog. I want as many people as I can to join in on this blessing and journey with me in Russia. I miss you all so very much. God bless.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Best day of my life

Today was the best day of my life...well...for no particular reason. Just the fact that I am putting all my trust in HIM, and giving him all the glory. HE made a wonderful day today...the sun rose...the air I breathed...everything was awesome...because he did it all for me. My day was good, because I have nothing to complain about. Need I say more? lol.
Life is good down here. I leave next Wednesday at 4 am. yepeeee. Tomorrow is my last day teaching, and we aren't even teaching! Its a graduation party...and a party... with food! Awesome.
I have tried to make it a point to be starving for each meal...(need the food for physical exertion rather than just hungry). I try to go to bed MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY tired every night. And when I I sleep good! :) Anyway, I am still praying for God for to bring in all the money that I need - $4,000. Please pray also! Thanks. Miss you all.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

A quick Note

I received my address for my living in Russia. I will be there in a few weeks. BUT...there are rules.

1. It takes 2 weeks+ to get there...or forever
2. When stating what is in the box/envelope...ALWAYS say english books or something else not valuable
3. Make it look ugly....everything gets searched and opened...especially the new looking ones
4. Never send any cash or valuables...I'll never get another package it will always be taken from then on
5. Small things at a time
6. Make a list of what is in the box...INSIDE cover of the box/envelope

Ok, here it is....

Baltic State Technical University (BSTU)
1, 1-st Krasnoarmeyskaya
St. Petersburg 198005

thanks for reading...miss you all


Thursday, August 7, 2008

A long time no say

Hey ya'll. Its late here, and I am tired...but I have a I have to write. Just a quick update. I have been studying lots of language. We have been doing lots of stuff to make a smooth transition in living with our room mates. I have been working out a lot at night. And boy oh boy am I tired now. I am really really sick also. I am all congested, coughing, headaches, and sore throat. So, yes, I am dying. hahahaha. I am really going to miss all my friends here as we all split in two weeks to different countries. I get a winter/christmas break...of 7 weeks. Yes, seven weeks. That should be fun...but I just decided that I am going to be doing some substitute teaching across Europe for those 7 weeks. So yepeee for Europe!....Hungary, Ckech republic, Slovakia, and Romania. hehehehe. I can't wait. I only have two days left to talk on my please call so I can hear your voice one last time before I leave! I am still praying that all my funds come in as I am still $4,000 dollars short. Its all due in two weeks...yikes! Thank you all for your prayers and stay in touch. I am at the mercy of using others' computers as I didn't bring one. So, my blog updates will be as often as God allows me to publish! :) I miss you all! God bless.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Wow, what a week!

Hey ya'll! I haven't written in a while because...well...I don't have a computer with me, and I am at the mercy of others, and their computers. This will be what will be like in Russia I suppose. Oh well. Anyway, its nice to talk to you all again. I just want to stress, to please give this site to ALL your friends...I want people to know what I am doing...I want to feel connected. Sooooo, thanks for reading, but I want lots more people reading also! Thanks! Um, Tuesday, we had an earthquake here. That was really really cool. I have never been in an earth quake. I thought someone was just shaking my desk, then the whole building was shaking, and the lights and everything! It was the coolest thing ever. Yeah, I was pretty excited! :) I will try to post lots of pictures of my stuff and me this weekend...incentive to read? :) Um...I also taught Tuesday night about family trees and stuff like that. That was really really fun. The high humidity is really really getting to me...I hate it. grrrrrrr. We stay so busy here...and any second I get for a break...I sleep...they make fun of me now...yes...I am sleeping...again! Jeez. Wednesday...That day is lost in my memory somewhere. It was probably a very profound day, but now, you will never know. hahaha. Um, Thursday I taught again...this time on slang. That was so fun! Moola, Benjamin's, jingle, dough, green backs...stuff like that. We had fun. While teaching in class, a bird flew in. Yes, a bird. It bounced around and hit its head on things for like 15 min. I just ignored it...ahha. yeah, it was funny. All this week we have been learning lots of culture and language. Pretty dang cool. Then today, we did devotions, class and stuff. I played some soccer with my friends for a long time...that was fun. There was this ball stuck in the palm tree for a long time maybe months! And for two weeks now, we have been trying to get it down. We have been throwing oranges at it...picking them from the surrounding trees...and hucking them 100 feet into the air trying to knock this stupid ball down. I swear we have thrown 50 oranges into this palm tree. Finally today, someone knocked it out. It was a stupid flat ball, but the point is...we finally got it out! yepeee. :) We have all weekend off. I might go on a hike tomorrow with some friends, or hang out with my uncle. It all depends on who calls me first! :)
Maybe I'll share some stuff that has been on my heart this week...since I don't know when I am going to talk to you again.
I thought it was really neat in 2 Corinthians 9-10 how we should rely on HIS strength, not ours. He did all the hard work for us...we are nothing!
"And he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefor most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities (flaw, defect, weakness) that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in my [flaws/defects/weaknesses], in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christs sake. FOR WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG."
I hope you all take this to heart.
I won't write everything out...but I would encourage you all to read some passages...
Read Galatians 3 and 2:19-21.
It discusses how you cannot be justified by the law, only faith in Christ. And how faith sets us free from the law, no longer bound. We should not tie ourselves up with the law, regulations, and rules. Our righteousness depends on, and ONLY on our faith with Christ. With faith in Christ comes obedience in the law. Our minds should be focused on Him, and no longer bound by the law or sin. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, by becoming a curse for us. He redeemed us, so that we may live by faith, in a relationship with him. I pray that we live our lives in awe of HIM, and what HE has done for us. That we may put all our faith and trust in HIM, and not of ourselves in the law. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. I give HIM all the Glory!
I hope this hits did for me.
Keep in touch. God bless.
