Friday, August 15, 2008

It is finished!

Today was my last day of training! Yepeee. I leave for Russia, 4 am on the 20th. I will miss you all! This past week has been great. Just wrapping everything up and all. It will be hard to see many of these people most are going to different countries than I. I will miss them all so much. I have made an effort to get to know each one really well...I hope it lasts! The staff is great also! Some of the most encouraging and fun staff I have ever seen! :)
We took our final exam yesterday...I blew right through that! And today/tonight was a talent show...the best day yet. It was a really really fun night. I wish you all could have came. With everything wrapping up, many family and friends are coming to visit (not mine). So, its always fun to see the other halves!....hahaha. I was awarded a conditional scholarship today! Since I am still really short funds...Teach Overseas told me that they will match dollar for dollar what ever I can raise now, up to $500 dollars. Please...I still need help...and this is a good opportunity for your buck to be twice the buck! Thanks so much for your support, and prayers...I really need them!
Many other organizations charge sooo much more ($50,000) for a full year of living, administration, training, plane tickets, and etc. I only need ($5,000).
I have sold most of what I have to pay for this, and trusting God that because he is sending me to be a representative of his word, he will provide. We can be a team in the body of Christ, each with our own part - please send others in your stead.
Also, please, due to lack of electronics, and resources, tell others about my mission and this blog. I want as many people as I can to join in on this blessing and journey with me in Russia. I miss you all so very much. God bless.



janice said...

Sounds like you have made some long-lasting friendships. How wonderful. I am sure they will be a great encouragement to you over the next year as you all will experience some 'culture shock'. haha Sorry, I missed your grand party, that would of been fun!
Will spread the word about the funds needed. It is a blessing to be joining you on this journey that God is sending you on.
I love you.............Madre'

janice said...

"Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage, and HE SHALL stengthen your heart". Psalm 27:14
You ARE a friend of God, He calls you his 'friend'! Isn't that awesome?!

Rachel said...

how come you stayed up all night with the other teachers, but couldn't make it out to say goodbye to met at 4 am, hmmmm? I'm disappointed.