Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Best day of my life

Today was the best day of my life...well...for no particular reason. Just the fact that I am putting all my trust in HIM, and giving him all the glory. HE made a wonderful day today...the sun rose...the air I breathed...everything was awesome...because he did it all for me. My day was good, because I have nothing to complain about. Need I say more? lol.
Life is good down here. I leave next Wednesday at 4 am. yepeeee. Tomorrow is my last day teaching, and we aren't even teaching! Its a graduation party...and a party... with food! Awesome.
I have tried to make it a point to be starving for each meal...(need the food for physical exertion rather than just hungry). I try to go to bed MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY tired every night. And when I do....wowowow...do I sleep good! :) Anyway, I am still praying for God for to bring in all the money that I need - $4,000. Please pray also! Thanks. Miss you all.



janice said...

You certainly are not called to 'starvation'. EAT,EAT,EAT. Don't make your mama worry about you!
Your life sounds like it is taking some twists and turns.
Some thoughts on 'Faith':
"Faith is about confidence in God's character, that He is good and true and beautiful. There are many things that are uncertain to us, but we know that God is good, that He can be trusted with our lives, and that we should live our lives in pursuit of the future He paints for us---a picture of a better world He promised would come to pass is we would live as if it were our destiny."
Faith grounds us in the certainty of God's faithfulness, and hope pulls us into the mystery of God's future.
I love you sweetie. Take care of yourself........Madre'

~Molly said...

God is going to use you in so many ways over in Russia!! I cannot wait to hear all the stories! I'm praying for you, your friends that are going with you, and the people you guys will come in contact with. May you be blessed by God!

~Your Awesome Sister ;o)