Friday, August 1, 2008

Wow, what a week!

Hey ya'll! I haven't written in a while because...well...I don't have a computer with me, and I am at the mercy of others, and their computers. This will be what will be like in Russia I suppose. Oh well. Anyway, its nice to talk to you all again. I just want to stress, to please give this site to ALL your friends...I want people to know what I am doing...I want to feel connected. Sooooo, thanks for reading, but I want lots more people reading also! Thanks! Um, Tuesday, we had an earthquake here. That was really really cool. I have never been in an earth quake. I thought someone was just shaking my desk, then the whole building was shaking, and the lights and everything! It was the coolest thing ever. Yeah, I was pretty excited! :) I will try to post lots of pictures of my stuff and me this weekend...incentive to read? :) Um...I also taught Tuesday night about family trees and stuff like that. That was really really fun. The high humidity is really really getting to me...I hate it. grrrrrrr. We stay so busy here...and any second I get for a break...I sleep...they make fun of me now...yes...I am sleeping...again! Jeez. Wednesday...That day is lost in my memory somewhere. It was probably a very profound day, but now, you will never know. hahaha. Um, Thursday I taught again...this time on slang. That was so fun! Moola, Benjamin's, jingle, dough, green backs...stuff like that. We had fun. While teaching in class, a bird flew in. Yes, a bird. It bounced around and hit its head on things for like 15 min. I just ignored it...ahha. yeah, it was funny. All this week we have been learning lots of culture and language. Pretty dang cool. Then today, we did devotions, class and stuff. I played some soccer with my friends for a long time...that was fun. There was this ball stuck in the palm tree for a long time maybe months! And for two weeks now, we have been trying to get it down. We have been throwing oranges at it...picking them from the surrounding trees...and hucking them 100 feet into the air trying to knock this stupid ball down. I swear we have thrown 50 oranges into this palm tree. Finally today, someone knocked it out. It was a stupid flat ball, but the point is...we finally got it out! yepeee. :) We have all weekend off. I might go on a hike tomorrow with some friends, or hang out with my uncle. It all depends on who calls me first! :)
Maybe I'll share some stuff that has been on my heart this week...since I don't know when I am going to talk to you again.
I thought it was really neat in 2 Corinthians 9-10 how we should rely on HIS strength, not ours. He did all the hard work for us...we are nothing!
"And he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefor most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities (flaw, defect, weakness) that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in my [flaws/defects/weaknesses], in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christs sake. FOR WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG."
I hope you all take this to heart.
I won't write everything out...but I would encourage you all to read some passages...
Read Galatians 3 and 2:19-21.
It discusses how you cannot be justified by the law, only faith in Christ. And how faith sets us free from the law, no longer bound. We should not tie ourselves up with the law, regulations, and rules. Our righteousness depends on, and ONLY on our faith with Christ. With faith in Christ comes obedience in the law. Our minds should be focused on Him, and no longer bound by the law or sin. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, by becoming a curse for us. He redeemed us, so that we may live by faith, in a relationship with him. I pray that we live our lives in awe of HIM, and what HE has done for us. That we may put all our faith and trust in HIM, and not of ourselves in the law. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. I give HIM all the Glory!
I hope this hits did for me.
Keep in touch. God bless.


1 comment:

janice said...

Keep 'resting' in Jesus and HE WILL strengthen you! I so enjoy hearing how the Lord is speaking into your life.
Read about the story of Bartimaeus in the Gospels. As Jesus was talking with a crowd, Bartimaeus, who was 'blind, came up to Jesus.
Jesus asked him, "What do you want?" Now that seems like a dumb question doesn't it??? You know that Jesus knew Bartimaeus was blind!!! But Jesus still asks him, "What do you want". Now Bartimaeus could of said, "Well, could I get some sight back in one eye, or maybe hear better to compensate for my blindness?" But no, Bartimaeus says, "I WANT TO SEE". Jesus says, "Go your way, your faith has healed you.
I think if I were Bartimaeus I would of probably asked for 'some sight' instead of 20/20 vision! God is asking us all 'What do you want?' Don't settle for less than the dreams God himself is giving you! There is more to YOU than you know! There is more available to you than you can imagine. There IS an amazing life waiting for you God and tell HIM "what do you want"? Don't settle for less! Think BIG, God is a BIG GOD!!!!!
Loving you,