Sunday, August 24, 2008


Yesterday, we all had a barbecue and had shishkabobs down on the beach. I played some frisbee with an Ausy, then we all went back to their place and had tea. Good times. To get anywhere we either take the bus or the metro...or just walk I guess. Today was good. I slept in till almost 13:00...ooooh that felt good! Hung out here for a while, and went to 18:00. Church was really cool. It was a Calvary Chapel. The pastor spoke in Russian, and then someone translated. It was really awesome. Neat people and good music. We walked home with a friend, stopped at a coffee place for a while, told stories, and went home. I picked some eggs up at the store and yuuuuuummy, just like home. We start school around the 15th of September. I haven't taken many pictures! I don't know what you all want pictures of? I've never been a big picture taker. Email me, and tell me what you want to see! Or just email me for the sake of it! haha. love ya all.



janice said...

check your email...........................

love you sweetie...

Erin said...

haha sounds like you're having waaay too much fun my friend.

and umm you should take pictures of ordinary the cars they drive, houses and people! oh oh!! and animals!! are there lots of cats for you to cuddle with?! muwhahaha xP

miss you!

bradlpowe said...

finally, i get to say hi an your comments... it took e about 10 times and almoss a week to ge througgh the handicapped eye es... hi pete