Thursday, August 7, 2008

A long time no say

Hey ya'll. Its late here, and I am tired...but I have a I have to write. Just a quick update. I have been studying lots of language. We have been doing lots of stuff to make a smooth transition in living with our room mates. I have been working out a lot at night. And boy oh boy am I tired now. I am really really sick also. I am all congested, coughing, headaches, and sore throat. So, yes, I am dying. hahahaha. I am really going to miss all my friends here as we all split in two weeks to different countries. I get a winter/christmas break...of 7 weeks. Yes, seven weeks. That should be fun...but I just decided that I am going to be doing some substitute teaching across Europe for those 7 weeks. So yepeee for Europe!....Hungary, Ckech republic, Slovakia, and Romania. hehehehe. I can't wait. I only have two days left to talk on my please call so I can hear your voice one last time before I leave! I am still praying that all my funds come in as I am still $4,000 dollars short. Its all due in two weeks...yikes! Thank you all for your prayers and stay in touch. I am at the mercy of using others' computers as I didn't bring one. So, my blog updates will be as often as God allows me to publish! :) I miss you all! God bless.


1 comment:

janice said...

I am so excited for you! Teaching across Europe for vacation? Wow! Those late nights out with all the girls have worn you down. ha Get some rest for yourself before you leave!
Love, Madre'