Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I am going to take pictures took me long enough to find the batteries! jeez. Um, Monday I had a chance to go jogging and work out a bit. That was fun! Yesterday I went to this other school and helped unpack and move furniture around a good chunk of the day. Then I broke down and decided to do a good amount of shopping for food. I have been trying to get a feeling of what I need for food...nutrition, price, availability. I have made a list of the essentials, and as it solidifies, I will tell you. I have a feeling, I am going to be eating a lot of the same same same same stuff. :) Peanut butter would always be nice! :) This morning I got a cell phone. They pay as you go here...thats nice. I will rarely use that! hahaha. I ate a banana and oatmeal today. I really wanted to get some apples...but if you saw their apples....eek! No way. lol. Um, well I gotta go. Love ya all. miss ya.



janice said...

Did your mother not tell you to get peanut butter BEFORE you left?!!?!? :) Sometimes I do have good advice, eh?

Joe Coquilard said...

Hey Peter,
Read through your blogs...what an adventure you're on. Whenever we travel oversees the food is always interesting. I also discovered that most of the world doesn't know about peanut butter. Now in Chile they like to eat everything with mayonaise on it. Even snack packs of Doritos come with a small packet of mayonaise inside.

Take some pics so we can see where you are staying and what the surrounding area looks like.

Uncle Joe