Friday, August 22, 2008

Adventures in Europe!

Hey readers!
I got to Russia about 2:00 am Friday morning. I was sooooo tired. Anyway...from the begining! I got up about 9 am Tuesday morning and finished packing. I have one bag 47 lbs, and another at 44. I hung out with friends all day until my flight that night. Well, kinda. We had to leave by 3:30 am, so, I didn't go to bed. We get to the airport just fine, and get everything checked in. I am on the flight with Carolina and Rachel...two girls that are also going to Russia. We fly 5 hours from LA to Chicago...then get a new boarding, what felt like 10 miles through the airport, and barely, I mean barely get on the plane...they were closing the doors. Yikes! Then a ten hour flight from Chicago to what was suppose to be Vienna. About half way through the flight, some guy in the back went crazy, and started becoming "unruly". Hhaha. 3 men held him down handcuffed him and locked him in a closet. Sooooo, we had to dispose of this guy. We landed the plane in Amsterdam, and cops swarmed the back of the plane, and dragged him off. It was pretty dang cool. The problem is that we were there for 2 hours....missing our next flight. We refueled and flew to Vienna, 1 hour late. We miss our flight! grrrr. So, we rescheduale the flight, for like 4 hours later. The airport was really nice, and bought us three a lunch. We flew out from Vienna to Munich, and then had a 6 hours layover there. Then from Munich to St. Petersburg. Wow, lots of flying! Jeeez. I never want to see another plane again. The flight from Munich to St. Pete, was really fun. It was full of these three Russian Sailors/fisherman. The other Russians were yelling at them to stop swearing...they were as drunk as could be! hahaha, fun times! Getting in Friday at 2 am...I took a shower and went straight to bed. The flat here is really nice. Its a three bedroom apartment on the 2nd floor. We have 10 ft ceilings, and some carpet. About as nice as my last apartment at University of Idaho. I will be living here with Joel, and Jeff. Two great guys. I just finished walking around down town, and the city is nice. Its very pretty, and dirty. Dust was always getting in my eyes, but LA was filthier. Not bad at all. I will tell you more, as I discover it. :) If you guys have any questions, just email! I would love to hear from you all! Peanut butter is always it doesn't exist here. :) Miss you all!
With all my love,


1 comment:

~Molly said...

Wow!! Sounds like you are having many adventures even before you got there!! Be careful. I love you pete.