Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hey, I just wanted you all to see where I live, and little bit of the city.
Just paste this link in your toolbar! Or just click...

love ya all.



Unknown said...

Thanks for the great pics, Pete! You're doing a great job. Thanks for keeping in touch.

I love you greatly!


janice said...

Love the pics! Now I can at least visualize your surroundings. The colors in your apt are exciting. I especially liked your 'beauty desk'...ha. And where are your sheets for your bed??? It looks like you are sleeping on 1/2 the bed?! Appreciate you taking all those Itsy bitsy washer/dryer. Is that a dishwasher in your bathroom next to the sink??
Love you sweetie, been wonderful chatting with you online! Madre'

bradlpowe said...

Isthat a bathroom Pee??? Looks like a close ih a toile inside!... Cool closet!!!! And where is all the snow? I though it always snowed in Russia? It always does in the movies... L:es play chess! Ha love you Pete